How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable – It’s really heartbreaking not knowing the way to go about sharing a cool Facebook post, right? That’s exactly why this particular article is meant for you. It’ll guide and help you out in figuring how possible you could make a Facebook post shareable at your own comfort.
Considering the fact that Facebook is a social media app that allows you to send, receive, know more, post, share posts, and more. Read on and discover more.

Facebook Post Privacy Options
Facebook has got various privacy modes provided for its users. If you post something regularly, you must have noticed an option saying “Edit Audience”. It’s a default option that gives you the chance to manage who can and can’t view your Facebook posts.
Privacy Modes Available On Facebook Privacy Mode
~ Public: this is made visible and open to anybody regardless of being a legal User or not.
~ Friends: this mode allows just people on your friend list check out your posts.
~ Friends Except: this mode gives you access to select the friends you want from the once you don’t want.
~ Specific Friends: just the choosen people on your friend list can view and engage with posts.
~ Custom: it’s a combo of both the Friends Except and the Specific Friends option. With this, you can add and remove friends from your friend list
To make a post shareable you’ll have to change the post audience to Public.
How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable
Here are the steps to follow to help you make a Facebook post shareable.
~ Head to your Facebook account.
~ Select the three dots icon.
~ Choose the Edit Privacy option.
~ Tap the Public list option.
Once that’s done, anybody on Facebook will be able to check out and also share the post on their timeline.
To be able to set the audience while creating your post follow the steps below.
1. Open a new post.
2. Select the “What’s on your mind?” On your profile.
3. Beneath your name, click on the first drop down icon to change privacy settings.
4. Click on Public then Done.
5. Once your done editing then tap on post.
How to Make a Post Public on Facebook Web
Here’s how your post can be made public on your Web.
~ Sign into your Facebook account on your PC or Laptop.
~ Head to the post you want to make public.
~ Click on the three dots icon on the top right of the post you want to make shareable.
~ Click on the Edit Audience option.
~ You’ll see a list of audience option, Click on Public which will make post shareable.
Note: it’s actually possible to make a post shareable while you’re creating it.
How to Make Post Shareable while creating
1. Tap on the “What’s on your mind?” to make a new post available. This box could be found on your timeline, homepage and profile page.
2. You see the audience settings under your name (it’ll come as app up).
3. Tap the Drop down menu icon.
4. Click on Public. Your post will be made shareable automatically.
5. Tap you Post to publish.
It wasn’t really a difficult process was it? Follow the steps and get all you need to get done. Enjoy Facebook features.