New Yahoo Account – This blog post will show you how to create a new Yahoo account from scratch. You can do this on both mobile and desktop versions of Yahoo Mail. In this tutorial, we’ll focus on the desktop version as this could be applied to the mobile version.

A little Background into Yahoo Account
Yahoo! Mail is an email service that got launched on October 8, 1997, by an American company – Yahoo!, which is now a subsidiary of Verizon. It offers 4 different email plans: three for personal use (Basic, Plus, and Ad-Free) and another for businesses. As of January 2020, Yahoo! Mail has over 225 million users.
1. Open up your browser and go to This opens the Yahoo main page.
2. Click on “Sign in.” It’s at the top-right corner of the page, to the left of the bell icon.
3. Click on “Sign up.” This link is located next to the “Don’t have an account?” text located at the bottom-right side of the page.
4. Fill out your account details. You will need to fill out the following piece of information, such as your:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address – Your chosen Yahoo email address. If your email address is not available, you’ll have to enter a different one.
- Password
- Mobile phone number – Without a phone number, you cannot create a Yahoo account.
- Birth date (month, day, and year)
- You could also add your gender to the “Gender” field if you want.
5. Click on “Continue.” It is the blue button located at the bottom of the page.
- If you have not fill out any of the required fields or maybe the username you selected is not available, you will not be able to continue until fill out all the required fields or change your username with one that has not been taken.
6. Click on “Text me an Account Key”. This blue button can be found in the middle of the page. This will prompt Yahoo to send a code to the mobile number you entered earlier.
- You could also tap on “Call me with an AccountKey” to have Yahoo call you and call out the code.
7. Get the verification code. Open up your phone’s Messages app, look up for and open the message from Yahoo, and review the 5-digit security code in the message.
- If you get to choose the Call option, wait for your phone to ring, then answer the call and listen to the recited number.
8. Enter the code into the “Verify” field. This field is located at the middle of the page, just below the “Enter the Account Key we sent to [your number]” heading.
9. Click on “Verify.” It is the blue button close to the middle of the screen.
10. Click on “Let’s get started.” Doing this will take you back to the Yahoo main page.
11. Click “Mail.” It is located just below the purple envelope icon in the top-right corner of the Yahoo home page. This will cause your Yahoo inbox to open up, which is set up and ready for you to start using it.