Update – Facebook is Introducing Ad’s to short Videos and Stories

It’s unbelievable! Facebook tends to bring in Ad’s to one-minute videos and also has plans of exploring ads that resemble stickers for stories.

Facebook being a social media app that allows you to chat with friends and family from both far and near and also it’s a medium through which new friends could be made. This App is allowing contents create more money. Meaning new ads on Facebook, specifically in short form videos and stories.

Facebook is Introducing Ad's to short Videos and Stories

Facebook Prioritize Ads for Short Videos

The director of Facebook app monetization “Yoav Armstein” stated the platform’s new monetization options in post on ” the About Facebook blog.

Facebook has created a means now through which content creators are now allowed to make money from short-form videos. Short video clips are now allowed to pop in as an ad as far as it’s just one minute long and will appear at the 30-second mark.

It’s a new policy compared to the old on that allowed Ad’s in videos that were at least three minutes long.

Facebook is also testing Ad’s that look like stickers for stories. Sticker Ad’s are being tested by small groups, Arnstein is going to expand them to more creators in future.

Arnstein said” were especially focused on short form videos monetization”. Arnstein also stated that ” looking ahead, we’re exploring in stream ad formats that increase engagement through rewards or product interaction, with hopes to help content creators payout grow”.

Opening Monetization Opportunity To More Creators

Creators are getting access to ads that appear while steaming for Facebook live. Creator that has at least 60,000 live minutes viewed over the past 60 days can actually benefit from in-stream ads.

Facebook will be investing 7 million dollars to boost the adoption of stars. The investment will go to making stars free for viewers while streaming for most stars contributed, they receive one cent.

Facebook’s paid online events are reaching a wider audit and this was initially present in only 20, countries though, Facebook is now bringing it in additional countries like Argentina, Denmark, Egypt, Ireland, Malaysia, and New Zealand. Fan subscriptions are also available to 10 additional countries i.e Finland, Turkey, and Australian.

Facebook One-ups TikTok

These updates are mind-blowing for creators and they’ll give more creators access to Monetization Opportunities.

For the fact that Facebook is focusing its attention on ads in short videos, TikTok influencers are meant to take notice. Ads longer than a minute is actually unnecessary but it’s a blatant move to cater growing short-form video market.

It’s the latest update. Let watch and see how it all goes.

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