Funny Facebook Post – Here is a collection of cool and funny Facebook posts that will bring smile on your face instantly. Now why wait? Use it on your Facebook feed and have few laughs.

- I dislike when I plan a conversation in my mind and the other person doesn’t follow my script #DamnTeenQuote
- For 10 years, I have been using Google and I have no idea who is using the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.
- A part of me says I cannot keep drinking like this. The other part of me says, “Don’t ever listen to that guy. He’s drunk.”
- I prefer the term “surprise adoption” to Kidnapping
- It’s like I want to be left alone but I still want people to notice my absence, you know.
- I will change my Facebook name to NOBODY so that way when people post some crappy post, and I click on the like button it will say NOBODY likes this
- Take my advice; I do not make use of it anyway.
- One funny post on Facebook are the people who apologize for not being on Facebook in a while, but then nobody really cares that they’re back.
- Do not endorse negativity online and expect people to treat you positively in person.
- Every rule has got an exception, especially this one.
- Death is life’s way of telling you that you have been fired. Suicide is your way to tell life, “You cannot fire me, I quit!”
- May your life someday be as wonderful as you make it out to be on Facebook.
- LIKE if you hate it when someone does get to tag you in a photo, you look bad in because they happen to look so good in it.
- Phew! Thanks a lot, warning label. I was actually thinking of using my toaster in the shower this morning.
- Looking at school books and thinking: what a waste of a tree!
- Nobody around here regards me like a glamour model, so I am just going to sit down here taking selfies by myself.
- Why didn’t you get to reply to my text? Well, how am I supposed to give a reply to LOL?
- I think line dancing was invented initially by women waiting in line for the bathroom.
- Do not tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
- Nothing seems to be illegal. Until you get caught.
- Friends are like breasts: some are fake, some are real.
- Birthdays are good for you especially your health. Studies have shown that those who have more Birthdays live longer.
- If a person says “I love you,” and you do not feel the same way, just reply say “I love YouTube” really fast.
- My wallet is like an onion – when I do open it, it makes me cry a lot.
- Girlfriend: I am pregnant, what do you want it to be? Boyfriend: A joke.
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