Want a new Netflix series to watch this weekend?, Lucky for you, our team has made a compilation of best Netflix series to watch at your comfort time. But before we go into that, let’s take a quick look at Netflix and how it works.

What is Netflix?
Netflix is an American media service provider founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in California.
Netflix primary business is it’s subscription-based streaming service which offers online streaming of a library of movies and TV series. Netflix has over a billion daily active users and over 200 million paid subscribers worldwide.
The Netflix video on demand feature formerly known as watch now in the platform allows subscribers to stream to series and movies in the Netflix site on both PC computers and on smartphones and iOS devices.
From original series like Bojack horseman, stranger things, the crown, to your favorite such as Sherlock. check out the best Netflix series currently streaming on the Netflix platform.
Top Netflix TV series
Netflix is currently adding a new TV series and favorites to help keep the lockdown period fun. So whether you’re in the mood for a lol comedy or a fantasy series, there’s a world of top TV series at your fingertips right on the Netflix platform and they include;
- Ozark – the Ozark movie centers on Marty Byrde and family, they are forced to go on the run from Chicago to the Ozark lakes in Missouri after Marty’s money-laundering operation for a drug gang goes wrong and his life and that of his family are n danger. But along the line, things became worse for them at Ozark because they are entangled in a strange and brutal world they don’t even understand.
- After life – the movie follows a story of a man called Tony whose life is turned upside down after his wife died of cancer. After several attempts on suicide, he decides to take his misery out on the rest of the world by saying and doing whatever he likes.
- Breaking bad – about a chemistry teacher diagnosed with terminal cancer, he decides to break bad and embark on a life of crime as a crystal meth drug kingpin together with one of his ex-student Jesse to provide for his family after his death. The movie is one of Netflix most fantastic series.
- The crown – a fictional TV series retelling the story of Queen Elizabeth II ascendancy to the throne and how her family and the English government coped along the line.
- Bojack horseman – a former sitcom star from the 80’s trying to cashback in love and also find love. The series has a lot of animations which makes I more interesting to watch.
Netflix has taken more of an active role as a producer and distributor for both movies and TV series, it offers a variety of original contents through its an online library.