How To Earn Money In Facebook By Clicking Like – Want to know how to earn money in Facebook by clicking like? You can earn money from Facebook by simply clicking like. Currently, the world’s largest platform, Facebook has hundreds of millions of people who log into the platform every time to do one thing or the other. People come online to post videos, say what’s on their mind, update their status, chat with friends and family, etc. The list is endless.
Facebook, on the other hand, tries to keep people glued to its page by churning out features and tactics that make users keep coming back for more. As people keep coming back for more, Facebook keeps making more money.
Facebook makes the bulk of its money through advertising. The more people Facebook has on its platform, the more ads it churns out. As people view, and click on these ads, the more Facebook makes money. Thus, Facebook will always want to keep you on their platform.
![How To Earn Money In Facebook By Clicking Like](
Since this is the case, you too can devise a means of making money from your time on Facebook. Other than chatting with friends and looking up status updates, you can actually make your time on Facebook count for something.
However, not everybody can cope with the demands of making money on Facebook because of the work you may need to put in. But if you have the time and can tolerate the demand, why not?
To make money on Facebook, you need to have many posts and get numerous ads views and clicks. What we mean is that, you must be popular and pull so many followers and friends, in order to make money on Facebook.
How to Earn Money in Facebook by Clicking Like
Click to like Facebook Posts and Pages:
You can make money out of liking Facebook posts and pages of other people. How does this work?
Other Facebook users from around the globe want to advertise their FB posts and pages. To do this, they engage the services of advertising agencies, to promote their Facebook posts and pages for them. When this is done, it creates an opportunity for you to earn money. How? The advertising agencies, need people to like these posts and pages. Thus, these agencies, promote these posts and pages to their visitors around the world to enable them click on it. From these advertising, you get the opportunity to get paid by clicking on the Facebook like button. The advertising agency will then pay you to like these pages and posts from their clients.
Sharing Facebook Posts:
Another way to earn money on Facebook is by clicking on the Share button to share posts. With so many Facebook users, looking for how to promote their content on FB and other social media platforms as well. You can share their posts/links on FB or on other social media sites. When you share their posts, the advertisers get to promote their content to other people as much as they can. Additionally, the more shared links a post can gather, the more the FB algorithm promotes the posts.
The algorithm is designed, to assume that the posts that garner so many shares are good. It assumes that the more people share it, the more they like it. Thus, it is seen as something that is worth promoting. As the page gets more shares, the algorithm will show it to more people. This will bring in more views for the post from the shares and the Facebook promotion.
With this, the client gets the shares they are looking for, and you, on the other hand, get paid for it. However, avoid sharing posts that are not relevant to your audience. You have to ensure that the post is interesting to your audience.
Sending Friend Requests:
Before now, you sent friend requests to people without getting paid for them. You can change the narrative today by earning money from every single friend request you send. How is that possible you may ask?
Now, you have a way of earning money from the friend requests you send. There are advertising agencies that will pay you to send friend requests to people that you find interesting. Bear in mind that the maximum number of friends you can have on Facebook is 5000, so you should choose your friends wisely.
However, understand that some of these advertising agencies do not allow you to unfriend the friends that you make. Once you send a friend request and it is accepted, you should not delete it later on your private account. This is so because FB clients want friends who are permanent on their accounts. They do not want friends who disappear after a while.
Earn Money by Clicking on FB Videos:
There are tons and tons of videos on Facebook, and more and more people are spending hours watching them. With people uploading millions of videos on the platform daily, there’s no way you can run out of videos you can watch. However, the good news is, that you can start earning money from the same videos that you have been watching for free.
Many Facebook users want to promote their content to as many people as possible. These people hire advertising agencies to advertise their Facebook content for them. They want their Facebook posts to have as many views as possible. It is adjudged that when a post garners more views, people assume that it is a good one. This makes people want to watch, and this keeps giving the post more views.
For this reason, someone will readily pay you to click on their Facebook videos. You get money for watching these videos, and the content owner gets more views.
Following Facebook Pages:
You can also earn money by following Facebook pages. The pages owners engage the services of advertising agencies, and offer to pay them for each and every follower the provide them with. This opens up an opportunity for you to earn. All you have to, is follow these pages and get paid. The more pages you follow, the more chances you have of earning. But be careful to apply caution. Moderation is the key, because when you follow too many pages, Facebook may penalize you for spamming.
You can now see the various mediums you can use to make money on Facebook.