How to Know if someone blocked me on Facebook – Getting blocked on Facebook can result in different kinds of emotional reactions such as Surprise, hurt, pained, funny, annoying, glad, curious etc depending on the whole scenario and all.
So, for does who might be hurt, surprised, curious etc and want to know if you’ve been blocked, stuffs you might be restricted from viewing or doing and more, read on and get answers to all your various questions.

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You On Facebook
Facebook can’t give you a heads-up that you’ve been blocked or someone just blocked you, so the only way you’ll be able to find out is via some signs . You’ll check out for these signs and discover if you’ve been blocked on Facebook.
If you’ve been blocked, the sign’s gotten when one’s been unfriended is similar to the Facebook Blocked Signs. Stuffs you’ll notice are:
- You Wouldn’t Be Able To Invite That Person To Events Or Groups:
Create an event on the web by tapping on Events and then Create Event while on your mobile device, click on the horizontal lines, tap Events, and then Create. Once that’s done on either your web or mobile device, try inviting the person. If you can’t invite the person, then you’ve been blocked or unfriended.
- You Would Not Be Able To Tag That Person In Posts:
On Facebook, tagging a person/ friend is possible. Try tagging them in an already existing post or create a post and tap Tag People, if you’ve done that and you still can’t tag them then you’ve been blocked or unfriended. Try typing their name if it appears, if it doesn’t show and let you choose it then it’s a sting signal that you people aren’t friends no more.
- You Wouldn’t Be Able Find The Person In Search:
On Facebook, once you type in a person’s name, that Facebook user pops up giving you access to chat, tag, and more but if you try typing in the person’s name in the search box and it doesn’t show nor display then it’s a sign that you’ve been blocked.
- Seeing The Person’s Profile Wouldn’t be Possible:
Tap on the person’s page by clicking on their name in the Facebook Messenger Window. If Facebook shows an error stating that the person isn’t available, you’ve been blocked.
- Sending Messages On Facebook Messenger wouldn’t be possible:
Normally, Facebook users that are friends should be able to message each other so, if you notice an error message that says the user is unavailable then you’ve probably been blocked.
- They Aren’t In Your Friend List No More:
Yes, they would be on your friend list again. Here’s a guide to confirm if you’ve been blocked or unfriended. Go to your own profile, on the web, click on your user name at the top of your screen while on your phone you’ll click on the three horizontal lines to open the menu then tap on your name. Once you’ve done that, clarify if you’ve been blocked or unfriended by checking your friends.
With all the aforementioned ways to know if you’ve been blocked or unfriended figuring out shouldn’t be an issue anymore. This article is going to help you out with guidelines that’ll help you avoid getting blocked or unfriended or banned by Facebook.
Facebook Jail: The Best Way To Avoid Being Blocked
Here are some guides that’ll lessen the chances of you getting blocked, unfriended, or banned in/from Facebook
- Don’t Use Your Personal Account As Your Business Account:
It’s preferable to differentiate between your Business count and your Personal account. It gives users the chance to go for what they want. For example, if a person would like to do some shopping, he or she should be able to head to your business account and drop a message instead of finding themselves in your personal account.
- Never Add Someone To A Group Without Permission:
Try your possible best not to add any of your friends or Facebook user to a group ( no matter how much you find that group enticing or fun ) without their permission.
- Be Careful Tagging:
Avoid tagging users in posts and images that they aren’t actually in. It’s super annoying, especially when they’ve got J no internet in what you tagged them to.
- Take A Break in-Between Posts:
As funny as it might sound, you’ve got to post with wisdom. It’s uncool when you post lots and lots of content in a row. Leave some time in between posts to avoid being referred to or marked as a spammer.
- Do Not Post Images From Google:
Using pictures/photos found on Google can mark your account as spam, so avoid getting Google images and have a good source.
- Only Friend Request People You Know:
Avoid sending lots and lots of friend request to a bunch of people you don’t know and getting rejected or deleted. It could flag your account.
- Like And Comment At Normal Paces:
Like and comment on other users posts normally. Avoid liking posts like a robot monitoring a person’s every move.
The chances of you getting blocked or banned will be lesser if you follow the guidelines. Facebook on the other hand takes these things seriously and so should you if you’d like to remain a user. Have fun enjoying all its features while following its terms and conditions.