Usher in your friends, family, and loved ones into the new month of May with reassuring words of hope, light, and love.
However, if you have so much in your heart to say, but don’t know how to express it, we are here to help you express your thoughts with the right words.
So here we bring you some happy new month of May messages and wishes:

Happy New Month Text Messages for Friends
In this new month, may you enjoy grace that eliminates every struggle in your life. Happy new month love.
May God turn every of your worries in wonders in this new month. Happy new month my dear friend.
May you have a problem-free month and enjoy peace that floods your heart like never before. Happy new month buddy.
Like the eagle, you will only soar above in a class of your own and be above only. Happy new month dear.
May you operate in the realms of unlimited breakthroughs and wonders in this month of May. See you at the top. Happy new month dear.
In all that you do this month, may you experience good success and all round productivity my dear friend. Happy new month beloved.
You are not permitted to walk in circles this month. You will hit your target and achieve your desires my dear friend. Happy new month to you.
May your path be illuminated and shine brighter and brighter with each passing day. Happy new month buddy.
May all your worries, tears, pain anxieties, be turned into testimonies. May you live this month worry-free. Happy new month my best friend.
Happiness, blessing, love, peace are all that is permitted to surround you in this new month. Happy new month my baby.
Happy New Month Messages for Yourself
Here we bring you some lovely messages you can give your self to spur yourself to greater heights:
It is a great new month, time to think outside the box and achieve the extraordinary. Happy new month to me.
I walk into this month celebrated, promoted and blessed. Happy new month to me.
This new month, I wish myself a month full of gladness, benevolence and love. Happy new month to me.
I take on this month with positive energy, no worries, no problem, because it is a blessed month and I can only be grateful. Happy new month to me.
I am closing the door to every past failure, disappointment pain and hurt in my life. I approach this month with a heart loaded with ideas and inspiration. Happy new month to me.
As the new month dawns refreshingly, so is every aspect of my life refreshed. Happy new month to me.
In this new month, I channel my energy into achieving my dreams and goals in life. Happy new month to me.
In this new month, i am conquering new territories and thinking deep. Happy new month to me.
I am going higher, doing great, exceedingly great in this new month. Happy new month to me.
Happy New Month Messages for Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Here are sweet and lovely messages, you can use to welcome your loved ones into the new month:
My love, as you step into another new month today, I wish you the very best and pray you achieve your goals. Happy new month my love.
May this new month be as colorful as the rainbow and shower you with radiant colors of love and happiness. Happy new month my love.
Welcome to another wonderful month, loaded with lots of benefits and love. Happy new month to you my one and only.
In this new month, may all your heart desires come true and may our love stay true. I love you more than you know my love. Happy new month.
May your mind be loaded with new ideas, as you walk into this new phase of your life. Happy new month to you my honey.
I pray for you in this new month that you have the courage to put all your ideas into reality. I pray you conquer all your fears. Happy new month the love of my life.
I pray that your dream materializes in this new month and may you take a step closer to achieving your dreams. I believe in you my love. Happy new month.
In this new month, may your name be remembered for good my love. Happy new month sweet.
In this new month, only sounds of rejoicing will be heard in your habitation. Happy new month my baby.
Every day of this month shall be a good day for you, filled with lots of good news, love, peace and joy. Happy new month baby.
Spur your friends, family, and loved ones into achieving more with these lovely messages that will keep them going.