Facebook being a social media with a lot of attention and users, serve as a perfect tool for advertisement. It’s an application on the internet where people from far and near communicate.
This application gives way for both families, friends, and unknown people (who can turn out to be new friends or not) to communicate with you.
Facebook business page Is basically meant for transaction of different sorts to be made. It’s another means of marketing done online other than the usual visible traders and customers transaction.

On Facebook business page, the creation of awareness, advertisements of goods, pricing, and the rest are done online regardless of the distance nor timing.
It’s open for different sellers/ traders of all sorts which resulted to a lot of imposters on the page.
The best way to safely and legally identify your Facebook page is through the verification process.
What is Facebook verification?
Facebook verification tend to differentiate business which might have products that look alike but aren’t of the same brand. The process of verification with Facebook helps buyers identify your products, feel safe, confident and consistent especially when your products are really good with positive feedbacks.
There’s a certain stage a trader/ marketer gets to that such person becomes well recognized to Facebook and may likely be given a blue checkmark on the right hand side beside his or her name as a method of verification.
Facebook verification gives your business page a plus mark in the sense that once there’s a search on related items on products you have, your business page tends to be among the first of the options on possible results shown on how to the items.
Criteria for verification of your Facebook Page
There are basic items or steps to be taken before verification of Facebook business page can proceed.
- A Facebook business page name that’s not violating: Facebook has a community guideline which most not be violated.
- Profile picture.
- Cover picture
- Available content like pictures and videos.
- Only one account is allowed to be verified regardless of the number of branches.
Though Facebook can be considerate and allow more than one account only when language differs.
Methods On How to Verify Your Facebook Business Page
The follow steps tells one how verification of their Facebook account work once the above requirements ( on the criterials) are met.
~ First method: a.Through calls.
b. Through text.
c. Through emails.
~ Second method: a. Domain verification.
~ Third method: official document submission.
Let’s break down the methods on how verification of your Facebook business page works
1. Through texts, calls or emails: the bigger businesses that have got their numbers posted publically, have better chances of getting the blue checkmark.
a. Go the business manager page
b. Select security center
c. Begin your verification
Next up, you’ll fill up a form requesting for all your business details. Details like…
Legal name of your business
Official address
Public phone number
Website link
Then click next. You’ll get options of different business name, if your business name is among click Next.
There will be a 4 digit code sent by Facebook for verification to be written in a box that will be provided. Confirmation of your business page can be confirmed through text, call or an email.
2. Domain verification: this method involved the the ownership of linked domains.
Business tend to use this method more.
For domain verification you’ll
1. Go to business manager page
2. Tap brand safety
3. Go to domains
4. Click add
5. Type in your domain name
6. Click add domain.
7. Options to verify your domain pops up next i.e DNS verification, HTML file upload and meta tag verification.
8. Choose the method that’s easier for you then continue.
Once all this steps have been followed the Facebook business page should be verified in a few minutes.
Note: the company’s legal name must be present on your website.
3. Office documents submission: this method shows your business name and address which can be serve as a methodof verification.
Documents like bank statement, Business tax, credit report, utility bills, certificate of formation etc. are types of documents go verification of the Facebook business page. When using the submission method make sure company and address names match.
This may take a couple of days before a reply will be gotten.
How To Check Your Page Verification Status
The two ways through which verification could be clarified are
a. There will be a blue checkmark next to your business name.
b. There will be an un-clickable ” start verification” button.
Your business page can be controlled by you or specific persons that have access to make changes, edit links, and more. The methods above should serve as a helpful guide in Facebook business page verification.
Verification of your Facebook business page comes with a lot of benefits so don’t forget to verify yours and avoid the stress of not doing so.