You need to ensure that you are secured on all sides by carrying out Facebook logout all devices if you want your account to be safe and stay safe. With a platform that holds so much of your personal information, which is typical of Facebook.

It has become imperative that you stay at alert and be security conscious, as regards where you log into your Facebook account from. In as much as you can log into your account using either your private device or a public device, you have to make sure you logout after your session especially on a public device to protect your account from being compromised.
Facebook Logout All Devices
In as much as we would always love to log into our Facebook account from our private devices, there are situations that would warrant otherwise. Say you are in your work environment where you have access to a system where you can access your account from, or you run out of data, and have to make do with using someone else’s device.
In such situations, you would have to ensure that you log out after you are done with whatever you needed to access your account. This is to ensure that someone other than you, does not have access to your account.
Here, I will be showing you steps of how you can logout of Facebook and/or Messenger using a computer, phone, tablet. Also, if you forgot to log out of a public or shared computer, i will be showing you, how you can use Facebook security settings to remotely log out.
Steps To Facebook Logout All Devices
Facebook Logout All Devices – How to Logout on a Phone or Tablet
Follow the steps below to log out your Facebook on a phone or tablet.
- Tick on the three line menu. For those using Android devices, it is at the top right corner, while for iPhone or iPad users, it can be found at the bottom-right corner.
- Navigate down and tick on the Log Out option, which is at the bottom of the menu. A confirmation will be displayed.
- Tick on Log Out to confirm. Once you tick on the Log Out option, you will be logged out of the Facebook app, and returned to the app’s log in screen.
If your Facebook account happens to be synced with your Android device, then it will no longer sync.
Facebook Logout All Devices – How to Logout on a Computer
- Hit on the small downward arrow, which is in the blue bar, close to the top-right corner of the page. A menu will expand.
- Hit on Log Out, which is at the bottom of the menu, to get instantly logged out of Facebook.
How to Remotely Facebook Logout all Devices Using a Phone or Tablet
- Log into Facebook on a phone or tablet.
You will have to sign into Facebook using the same account you want to log out remotely. In case you are using someone else’s phone or tablet, then you have to log out of their account using the steps oitlined here, and sign in with your own account.
This method can also come in handy if you want to log yourself out of Facebook Messenger.
- Tick the three line menu
- Navigate down and click on Settings & Privacy. Another menu will expand.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Security & Login, which is beneath the ‘Security’ header.
- Then scroll through and view your list of active logins. This are the list of devices on which you are signed in, and have signed into recently, they will appear under “Where You’re Logged In”. You will get to see the name of the device, the approximate location, as well as the last date accessed.
Use this information to search for the session you need to end.
Tick on See More to have the list expand.
If you are signed into the Messenger app, the word “Messenger” will be displayed below the name of the session.
- Click on the box icon close to the session you want to end, and have a menu expand.
- Click on Log Out. This will immediately log you out of Facebook on the selected device and if anyone is currently viewing your Facebook page from that browser or app, they will be logged out instantly.
How to Remotely Logout Facebook Account Using a Computer
- Log into on a computer
- Tap on the small downward arrow icon, in the blue bar close to the top-right corner of the page, and a menu will expand.
- Tap on Settings, at the bottom of the menu.
- Hit on Security and Login, which is at the top of the menu on the left side of the page.
- Then, scroll through and view your list of active logins. These are the list of devices on which you are signed in, and have signed into recently, they will appear under “Where You’re Logged In”. You will get to see the name of the device, the approximate location, as well as the last date accessed.
Use this information to search for the session you need to end.
- Tick on See More to have the list expand.
- If you are signed into the Messenger app, the word “Messenger” will be displayed below the name of the session
- Click on the three dot icon, close to the session you want to end to have a menu expand.
- Click on Log Out. This will log you out of Facebook instantly, and anyone who is currently viewing your Facebook account will be logged out instantly.
- Tap on Log Out Of All Sessions, if you want to log out of all devices at once. This will log you out of all devices at once including the one you are currently using.