Open My Facebook Friends – In this blog post, we will talk about a simple way to “open my friend’s list” on the Facebook platform. But first I’d like us to know what a Facebook friends list is and how you can create one, if possible. So sit tight, grab the popcorn, and keep reading.
What Is A Facebook Friends List?
A Facebook friends list will help you keep your Facebook news feed well organized. You can also select any friend list to see a feed of posts made by people on your friends list.

Friends List On Facebook – Open My Facebook Friends
Using a friend list on Facebook, you can post an update for specific people like your friends who lives bear you. You can create Facebook friends list for;
- Close friends; these are friends you want to share important and exclusive information with.
- Acquaintances; people you might want to share less with.
- Restricted; when you add someone or a group of people to your restricted list, they have I’ll only be able to see your public content or posts of yours that you tag them in.
You can create a custom list to organize your friends as you like on Facebook. You choose who to add or remove from the custom friends list you organized on Facebook.
Facebook—Create A Custom Friends List
- Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
- On the news feed page, click the explore tab on the left side of the page.
- Seller friends lists.
- Choose to create a custom list.
- Name your list.
- Add people to your list.
- Click create.
- Click on manage lists to change the name of your new friends list, edit, or delete people from the list.
You can add people to your Facebook friends list, simply;
- Go to your Facebook app.
- Go to your friends profile.
- Tap friends below their profile picture.
- Tap edit friends list.
- Click add friend.
- Tap done.
Note; people won’t be notified when you add them to your customer friends lists.
Open And View Your Custom Friends Lists
You can only open and view a custom Facebook friends list if you already created one. But if you don’t have a custom Facebook friends list, you can follow our guide on create a custom Facebook friends list to create and organize your Facebook friends.
Here’s how to create a custom friends list on Facebook, continue reading;
- First, open your Facebook mobile app.
- Goo newsfeed.
- Click the explore section on the left side of the page.
- Click friends lists.
- Click on it to open a list of your custom friends.
Facebook friends list is a great way to keep track of your friends.