How to Find Out if your PC has Bluetooth – This post will show you how to determine if your computer has integrated Bluetooth functions or not. Although most Windows computers and virtually all Macs have built-in Bluetooth cards, some desktop computers and older models do not.

How to Find Out if Your PC Has Bluetooth On Windows
- Right-click on “Start” to make the advanced options pop-up menu.
- Open Device Manager. Type Device Administrator and then click Device Manager on the “Start” menu. The Device Manager window will open.
If you right-clicked the “Start” icon, simply click Device Manager in the pop-up menu that appears.
- Look for the title “Bluetooth”. If you find a “Bluetooth” heading near the top of the window (for example, in section “B”), your computer has built-in Bluetooth features.
If you don’t see the “Bluetooth” title, it means your computer doesn’t have built-in Bluetooth features.
How to Find Out if Your PC Has Bluetooth On Mac
- Open the Apple menu
- Move your mouse point over the Apple logo and click on it. A drop-down menu will show up.
- Click About this Mac This is found in the dropdown menu. A popup window will appear.
- Click on System Report… It’s at the bottom of the “About this Mac” window. Doing so will open a new window.
In older versions of MacOS, you do click More..
- Expand the “Hardware” section. Click the triangle that faces right which is to the left of the heading “Hardware” to do so. You should see a list of indented subcategories appear under the “Hardware” heading.
If the triangle next to “Hardware” is facing down, this list is already expanded.
- Look for the title “Bluetooth”. Under the heading “Hardware”, look for a subtitle “Bluetooth”. You will find it near the top of the list of hardware options.
- If you don’t see a “Bluetooth” title here, your Mac doesn’t have built-in Bluetooth.
- Confirm that your Mac has Bluetooth. If you see the subtitle “Bluetooth”, click once on the title to select it.
If clicking the title shows Bluetooth information on the right side of the window, your Mac has Bluetooth capabilities. If not, your Mac does not allow the use of Bluetooth.
How to Find Out if Your PC Has Bluetooth On Linux
- Open the Terminal. Click or double-click the Terminal application icon, which looks like a black box with a white “> _” sign above it.
You can also simply press the Alt+ Ctrl+T keys to open Terminal in most versions of Linux.
- Enter the Bluetooth search command. Type the following command and then press Enter:
sudo lsusb | grep Bluetooth
- Enter your password. When prompted, type in the password you use to log into your computer, and then press Entrar.
- Review the results. If the following Terminal line shows the name and manufacturer of a Bluetooth device, your computer has Bluetooth installed.
If you see a blank line appear, it means that Bluetooth is not installed on your computer.
Please note that some versions of Linux do not support integrated Bluetooth adapters.
Tip: You can add a Bluetooth USB adapter to the computer to use Bluetooth if the computer does not have a built-in adapter.
Warning: Linux will not always recognize Bluetooth adapters, especially if the computer is an older model.