Why you want to create a YouTube channel is a very important question to ask yourself before you go into the environment of YouTube content creation. However, creating a YouTube channel leaves you with double options.
How To Create a Youtube Account
In this write-up, we will present you with the two options to choose the one that best soothes your goals on this network.
Most procedures are the same for both accounts. So, we will talk about them and show the differences in creating both.

1. Login to your Google Account
Regardless of the kind of Channel, you’ll have. To create one, just go to YouTube’s website, click on – Sign In. On the upper right corner of the screen or on the bottom left corner, enter your personal or corporate account, if you already have one.
If you don’t have an account yet, when you open the screen to fill out your email/phone number and password, just click More options (under Forgot email?) and create an account.
Then create your account providing the information requested.
2. Create Youtube Channel
Example on how to create an account; On the upper-right corner, if you already have an account, it’s likely that you see your image or the logo of your company if you’ve set a profile picture. If you don’t have a photo, you will see a light-blue circle, with the first letters of your name.
Click on the circle, and then My Channel.
3. Choose a name for your Channel
Then fill the information with your name for a personal channel, or with the name of your company for a corporate channel.
Click Create channel.
If you already have an existing account for your brand and you use this account to create a YouTube channel, you have to skip all the previous steps to creating your channel or select the corporate account to be directed to an existing channel.
Now your YouTube channel is ready.
How to Customize Your Channel
As soon as you click Create channel, a page with your information will open.
1. Click on Customize Channel Create a YouTube channel – how to customize channel.
2. Edit the images according to your choice.
If it’s a personal account you can add pictures of you.
However, if your goal is to create a YouTube channel for your brand, remember to customize it with your logo.
- Add channel art. Recommended size is 2560 x 1414 and, maximum of 6 MB;
- Add Featured Channels;
- Change your profile picture;
- Enable/Disable Popular channels on YouTube;
- Add a section if you’d like to make videos on different topics and wish to separate them.
In this step, you can also adjust the language, location of the content, and if restricted mode is on or off (to hide videos that may contain improper content).
3. Click on My channel, on the upper-left corner to view your channel after you have customized it.
We believe with the above tips, you can make an impact in your YouTube channel creation.