Amazon Robots Powered by Alex – Having a robotic P.A does sound cool, doesn’t it?
Amazon being a vast internet-based enterprise is about to work its magic once again. The latest soon to be launched device is a robot named “Vesta” it’s more like ” Echo On Wheels” which might be coming to your homes soon.

Amazon is working on a robot project though this is still a secret. It’s a project that’s still under testing more like the ” late prototype” stage which sounds like good news but so far the news doesn’t seem like such a good one to the employees.
The Amazon employees are worried about the marketability and production delays that will be on the project (The robot project).
Amazon Steps Into Robotics
Currently, Amazon moved over 800 employees into the Vesta Robot Project. According to the information gotten from an INSIDER, the Vesta Robot is one of the biggest internal projects taken on by Amazon’s Lab126. These same teams created well-known techs like the Amazon Echo smart speaker, the Kindle e-reader, and also Alexa.
The INSIDER spoke to about six employees involved with the Robot Project. They agreed to give out information as fast as their names aren’t mentioned and their identities are secured. Considering the company of such size and the kind of project.
Since it’s still at the testing stage, Vesta Robot is the size of two small cats, or its size will be around 10-13 inches wide. This product will be launched with multiple cameras, a touch input screen, microphone, and its mobile. It has wheels to move freely around your home following all your commands and instructions.
Two Amazon insiders acquainted with the project on ground ( the Vesta Robot) called the robot a “Fire Tablet Mounted on Wheels”. Other Insiders made reference to a photo Amazon CEO JeffBezos shared on Instagram a couple of years ago where his kids had taped a smart speaker to a robotic vacuum. They brought up the idea.
So in summary, Amazon has got a latest ongoing project on a Robot or should I say Echo on wheels, designed to follow its owners/ users around their homes.
The Amazon employees are worried though, regarding the ongoing project. There’s a thing about Amazon in developing new products.
They literarily never get to see the light of the day. It’s more like spending a lot on a project that you would never allow to be used by the public.
An example is the Fire Phone back in 2014, which cost the company at least $170millon in production and requirement cost and still there was no accounting for development and marketing.
Do You Want Amazon Echo To Follow You Around?
Who could possibly want a robotic Amazon to follow them all around their homes? A lot of people are fine with the Amazon Echo devices and other smart assistants. You’ll hardly ever notice if they are present or not except your in need of something and you request it.
Could the opinion of the employees be right? That’s left for time to tell actually. The price of this Robot hasn’t been agreed on yet but it’s surely going to cost more than other Amazon smart home products. So get your pockets ready in anticipation of Vesta the Robot.