How to Register And Download COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate And Corona Virus Sensitization.
It can be quite traumatizing thinking about the sad pandemic season, people we lost, friends and family, the lockdown, protest, robbery, and a lot more painful moments but to the glory of our creator, we made it this far and will continue surviving.

The Covid-19 also known as Coronavirus hit Nigeria within May 2020 and it’s been ongoing since then. It’s a deadly virus that has the symptoms of Malaria at the early stage then advances. This deadly virus was said to have been created in China.
The Covid-19 symptoms are:
1. Fatigue
2. Fever
3. Cough
4. Sneezing
5. Difficulty is breathing etc.
This virus can be contacted by any age group, be it the children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.
Ways to Prevent Coronavirus
The world as a whole has to come up with ways by which we call can reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus (getting rid of it isn’t that easy currently) to be able to manage it.
Steps On How to Protect Yourself Against The Covid-19 Virus
1. Wear a face mask that shields your nose and lip.
2. Face shields could be used especially for kids who might feel a bit uncomfortable with the mask over their nose and mouth.
3. Make sure you wash your hands regularly. If that’s not so convenient get an alcohol based sanitizer for yourself and family to use regularly especially after touching surfaces of public places.
4. Keep your house clean at all times. Wipe off surfaces of items in your house, especially the areas you touch often once you get home.
5. Air your clothes one you get back under the sun. The Covid-19 virus doesn’t do well with heat.
6. Avoid a lot of gathering and choked up places.
7. Maintain social distance.
If you’ve got symptoms like Malaria make sure you see a doctor to be sure.
The tips above and more should help in keeping you and your family safe from the deadly virus.
The Indian government introduced an app known as the Arogya Setup App which gets the statistical analysis of the number of cases and infected persons. The good news Is there now a vaccination for the viruses that was announced in the country.
The first set of Vaccines was given to the frontline workers in January 2021 while the second set is to be given from March 1st, 2021. The registration for the vaccine began March 1st too. You’ll complete your registration on an app known as the CO- WIN App. This app serves as a dashboard for vaccines.
Steps On How To Download And Register The Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate
To register and Download this app, follow the instructions below:
- Go to the Google app on your Android phone while on your iPhone you’ll go to the Apple store.
- Do well to have completed your registration before you proceed with your Download.
- Type in the OTP and to your mobile number for registration.
- Upload a means of identification i.e. document like Adhar card.
- Pick a date you’ll be available for the vaccination.
- Once you’ve taken your vaccine, use a 14-digit reference Identification given to you during vaccination to download your vaccination certificate.
You’ve successfully certified that you took the vaccine.
How To Download Covid-19 Vaccination Through Arogya Setu App
- Turn on the Bluetooth on your device.
- Click on the Arogya Setup App.
- Go to the CoWIN vaccination option from the home page.
- Click on the PROCEED option.
- Select the Vaccination certificate button.
- Input the 14- digits reference ID.
- Click the “Get Certificate” option to get the certificate on your smartphone.
This knowledge you’ve gotten on the recent step the world’s taking forward should be helpful and informative. You could proceed.