Login to Skype for business on your PC, Android, Windows phone, and iOS online to have a great online meeting. Just with one click, you can log in on Skype and join your online meeting, from any device and either choose to meet right away or schedule from Outlook for later.

Reasons to Log in to Skype for Business
- To easily join online meetings from any device.
- Initiate a group IM or video conversation as well as invite additional participants.
- Login, and share your video and view the speaker’s video during a conference.
- Check your upcoming meetings and join through one click.
- Search for your current conversations and pick up from where you stopped
- Look for your contacts by name through Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL).
Login To Skype For Business On Android
The first-time login, browse and locate the Skype for business icon and tap on it to open the app.
- Key in your sign-in address and password, and click on the Advanced tab.
- Fill out your mobile number with country and region codes.
- If you are an enterprise voice customer, if Skype for Business can’t use a Wi-Fi or cellular data network to make an audio or video call, you’ll be called at the number and linked to the audio portion of the call.
- Lastly, decide if to sync your contacts, and then click the Advance tab to begin using Skype for Business.
Log Out
- Go to the main Skype for Business screen.
- Click on your picture.
- Click Sign Out.
Login To Skype For Business On iOS
To sign in on IOS device for the first time;
- Swipe each page of apps until you see the Skype for Business icon.
- Thereafter, click the “Skype for Business” icon to open the app.
- Key in your login address and password, and click on Sign In.
- Note, you may be prompted for both a user name and a sign-in address.
- The user name is what you use to login to your organization’s network, which is either [email protected] or domain/username.
- Fill out your mobile number with country and region codes.
- In case you are an enterprise voice customer and Skype for business can’t use a Wi-Fi or cellular data network to make an audio or video call, you’ll b called at the number and linked to the audio portion of the call.
- Tap Next and if applicable, decide whether to sign up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program and tap Next.
- Agree to the licensing agreement, and tap on “Done”.
Log Out On iOS
Click on your picture and log out.
Login To Skype For Business On Your PC
- To login on your PC, tap on the “Sign In” tab.
- Enter your password and check the “Save my password” box to autosave your login information. You could leave it unchecked if you want to sign in anytime you want to use the service.
Log Out Of Skype for Business on Your PC
To log out;
- Tap the arrow close to the “Show Menu” icon.
- Choose “File”.
- Click on “Sign Out”, close and re-open.
To keep Skype for business running, you are to close your main window by tapping the X icon in the upper-right corner. After that, search “Skype for Business” on your computer to bring the program back up, or tap the app icon if you’ve pinned it to your taskbar.
Login To Skype For Business On Windows Phone
For first time sign in;
- On the screen, swipe left to view your installed apps, and search for Skype for Business.
- Click on the icon to open the app.
- Then key in your sign-in address and password and click Done.
- You may be prompted for both a user name and a sign-in address. The user name is what you use to login to your organization’s network, either [email protected] or domain/username.
- Next, on the Customer Experience Improvement Program screen, click to join send anonymous data about app issues and usage to Microsoft, or click on “No Thanks I’d you wish not to join”.
- Then on the Never Miss, Your Work Calls screen, fill out your mobile number with country and region codes.
- If Skype for business is not using Wi-Fi or cellular data network to make an audio or video call, you’ll get automatically called at this number and linked to the audio portion of the call.
- Click Next, and review the notification and phone book access settings and tap on Next to begin using Skype for business.
Log Out
On the main Skype for Business screen, click More and log out.
Login to Skype for Business app from and experience an app that is most compatible with all your devices.