How to Apply for An Express Credit Card Online – Express credit card is allocated by comenity bank. It offers lots of benefits for cardholders. Earning benefits with your card is what card every cardholders look forward to when obtaining credit and this card helps you achieve just that. You can also earn rewards, which you can use towards your next purchase.
The method of applying for express credit care has been simplified by community bank, which happens to be the card issuer, you can easily do this online, as long as you have the necessary requirement.
Express card benefits
- Access to credits programs, that connect you to the brand you love
- Enhance your shopping experience with tips to optimize your finances
- Enjoy $10 rewards for every 2500 points
- Offers bonus point opportunities
- Free birthday gifts every year
- When you 7500 points you can level up to A-list
- Monthly EXP extra bonus point opportunities to earn rewards fast
You literally get rewarded for doing the things you love.
Rewards terms and conditions
Here are the terms and conditions that accompany the express credit card.
- Conclude your online profile at to get a birthday gift.
- You can call the customer service center if you do not receive a gift on your birthday
- You need 7,500 points to be on the A list
- Only the express next credit card accounts in good standing will be upgraded to A-list
How to apply for an express credit card
- Access the comenity bank website on your web browser
- Enter your necessary details (first name, last name, date of birth, social security number)
- Enter your annual income
- Provide your home address
- Review the bank’s terms and conditions
- Tap on Agree to proceed
- Click on the submit button to apply
Express credit card login
To gain access to your credit card account:
- Log in with your username and password
- Tap on the sign-in button to login
Express credit card username/password recovery
- To recover your forgotten password or username, tap on your forgotten password or username
- You will be directed to another page, you will be asked to enter an account number or zip code/postal code, identification type, last 4 digits of your social security number
- Tap on finding my account to proceed
You can now access your account with ease.