The month of June is here again. With it, comes lots of expectations, promises, aspirations, dreams to be achieved and goals to be met. As the last month in the first half of the year, the month of June brings so much to be looked forward to in the remaining part of the year.
So you are welcome to the month of June. For those wishes, prayers, and messages you have in your mind but don’t quite know how to express them in words, let’s show you some messages you can send to your friends, family and loved ones to reassure them of what this month brings.

Happy New Month Of June Messages And Wishes
Welcome to the month of June filled with lots of love, peace and joy. You are walking in abundance this month. Happy new month.
You are moving from glory to glory this month. You shall not know a better yesterday. Happy new month dear.
That you lost something last month, God is the reason you did not loose everything. There’s still hope. Happy new month my dear friend.
In this new month, you are older, wiser, stronger and better. All you have to do, is believe and walk into it. Happy new month to you.
A new month, new, hope, new aspirations, new open doors, new life, new fulfilment, better health, new joy, new testimonies, new songs and new territories to conquer. Happy new month my dear friend.
Happy new month, walk into your realm of glory and dominion, attain new feats and achieve more. Happy new month my love.
This month, ushers you into a plethora of blessings. You are coming into your long desired change, and your life is changing for the better. Happy new month to you.
Just as this month is new, so is your life becoming new. This month brings in its wake lots of new beginnings.
The mark of God is upon you to single you out for good this month. You bear the mark and identity of God everywhere you go. Happy new month dear.
This month comes with all the good things you desire written boldly on it. Step into it and conquer my love. Happy new month.
You shine bright like the diamond and you mount up with wings as the eagle in this new month. Happy new month dear.
You are scaling new heights and conquering new territories as you step into this month. You are taking this new month by the storm. Happy happy new month dear.
Let the love and light of God flood your heart in this new month. May your path drip fatness, and may you have beauty for ashes. Happy new month beloved.
May the sound of joy and rejoicing fill your heart and may you be renewed like the eagle. It is your month dear, take it, enjoy it. Happy new month.
It is your time to shine and manifest all that is embedded inside you. You can only go higher. Happy new month.
This month, great and greater things only, will be spoken of you. You are scaling greater heights.
There’s more to you, you are made for more and you are manifesting more in this new month. Happy new month great mind.
Cease every opportunity to be thankful in this new month and see things turn around for the better for you. Happy new month.
To you and yours, may all your days be merry with the joy that never ends. Happy new month.
May peace and love surrounds you from this month and the whole year through, there’s only room for improvement in your life. Happy new month dear.
God has designed you for more, manifest all that you have been made to become. Happy new month.
There’s room for more this month, think out of the box and dare to achieve more. I believe in you. Happy new month my friend.
There’s space for you at the top this month. Step in and take your place. Happy new month dear.
These messages and wishes, will help better express the thought in your heart and reassure your loved ones, that you have them in mind.