
Eligibility Status For Various Google Scholarship Under Google Scheme

Google Scholarship – Google offers several scholarships for students specifically in the areas of computer science and engineering. To win this scholarship, students often face fierce competition.


Because Google is constantly in search to employ people with computer engineering skills, they offer six major scholarships for the student.

Google Scholarship

Also, one interesting aspect of their scholarship scheme is that they try to encourage underrepresented ethnical groups to pursue a career in computer science and engineering. However, this scholarship is limited to certain populations.

Eligibility Status For Various Google Scholarship Under Google Scheme

  • The Google Anita Borg Memorial scholarship, applicants must be female
  • The generation Google scholarship: applicants must be African American or Hispanic or American Indian or Filipino/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, female or a person with a disability
  • The Google lime scholarship for students with disabilities- applicants must study in the US or Canada and have a visible or invisible disability
  • The Venkat Panchapakesan memorial scholarship- applicants must be students in India who have faced adversity
  • The google SVA scholarship for student veterans- applicants must be US veterans or currently serve in the US military.
  • The Google Europe scholarship for students with disabilities- applicants must study in Europe and have a disability

General Overview Of The Scholarships Available

  • The generation Google scholarship is eligible for high school seniors or current undergraduate students who belong to a minority group with plans of studying in the US or Canada. Winners are awarded either $10,000 or $5,000 depending on where they attend school. There are different criteria depending on whether the applicant is a current high school student or current undergraduate. Application components include general background info, resume, transcript, 1-2 letters of reference and 4-6 short essays.
  • The Google SVA scholarship for veterans. This scholarship is for college and university students in the US who are student veterans or on active duty. Eight winners receive a sum of $10,000 each. Application components include general background info, resume, academic transcripts, two letters of reference and proof of veteran status.

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